
Akebono Taro

His name Akebono Taro. His former name is Chad George Haaheo Rowan. He is from State of United States of America Hawaii Oahu. He quit Hawaii Pacific University and became the foreign first yokozuna in Japan in 1996. He came to Japan to become famous in sumo. Because Japan is famous for the center of sumo. He retired himself from the world of the Grand Sumo Tournament in 2001. He is in show business now.



I like USJ. I made this topic.

1. Have you ever been to USJ?
All people said YES.
2. What is the character that you like it in USJ?
Two out of six students said ELMO.
One out of six students said SNOOPY.
One out of six students said PINK PANTHER.
One out of six students said SPIDER MAN.
One out of six students said nothing.
3. What is the attraction that you like in USJ?
Two out of six students said Jurassic Park.
Two out of six students said Spiderman.
One out of six students said back to the further
One out of six students said nothing.
4. How often do you go to USJ?
Two out of six students said once in six month.
Three out of six students said once a year.
One out of six students said once in two years.
5. Do you like USJ?
Half students said YES.
Half students said NO.

I was surprised that there were some people who didn’t like USJ very much.Because I think that USJ is very interesting place. I like USJ. But I want to go to the American place. Because I think that USA is the genuine place of Hollywood.




My favorite comics

I like comics, so I chose this topic.

Two out of seven students like ONEPIECE.
Two out of seven students like スラムダンク.
One out of seven students like NARUTO,
Two out of seven students like 花男.
One out of seven students like ライフ.
One out of seven students like 犬夜叉.

Four out of seven students think interesting and moving.
One out of seven students thinks that there is a dream.
One out of seven students thinks thoughtful.
One out of seven students think a chief character is cool.

None of the students have the comics they aren’t interested in.

This surprise me.

Three out of seven students have 100 books.
One out of seven students have 50 books.
One out of seven students has 20 books.
Two out of seven students has 200 books.

Most of the students think they are not OTAKU.


A barbecued chicken

1. I look with the stand of the festival.
2. It is the cooking of the bird.
3. It is the food which it roasts a bird, and it spitted.
4. It means fruit.


food which I like

The Japanese foods which I like are Sushi and Kushikatsu. I like a salmon and an eel in sushi. I like meat and a lobster in kushikatsu. Both are very delicious.The Japanese foods which I dislike are New Year dishes.Because the New Year dishes do not have taste, I dislike it.


my hometown

I came from Osaka. Osaka is the place that is famous at a Japanese sightseeing spot. In Osaka, food is delicious. Representative food is Okonomiyaki and Takoyaki. There are many places that can be idle in Osaka. There are Expo Land and Universal Studio Japan and Tennoji Zoo and Namba or Umeda. I think that I can enjoy Expo Land and Universal Studio Japan from an amusement park child to an adult. Tennoji Zoo is a representative zoo of Osaka. Osaka is an interesting place.