

I had an interview with Mr. Dunham. He married a Japanese woman in USA and came to Japan. He thinks that the thought of the wife is Japanese culture than Japanese culture. His wife is enviable. He said Japanese culture and American culture are very differences. For example taste of the Tuna being very different. Japanese Tuna is frozen and American Tuna is fresh. His favorite Japanese foods are Takoyaki and Okonomiyaki. Japan being hot as for his has been surprised when he came to Japan for the first time. He is from California. He goes back his country once a year. He lives in Japan more than 20 years. He said that he liked Japan and he wanted to live all the time. He was a very good person. Thank you very much.


Winter vacation

I went for a drive with friends of Sheffner class on Christmas Eve. I went to Kaiyuukan and lost my way. We ate dinner. Then I went to Kobe with my boyfriend on Christmas. I did shopping and watched illuminations and ate a steak. It is yummy! I spent happy Christmas for two days. I did the year-end party with high school friends. I drank much at a bar and ate. I was glad because I was able to meet everybody after a long absence. I went to Kasuga Taisha Shrine for a New Year’s visit to a Shinto shrine for New Year holidays. I was happy in winter vacation (^0^)